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At Thomas & Tate, partnerships with our supply chain work both ways. If we have learnt one thing from the past few years, cheapest does not mean best value.


In many instances, teams are often restricted by the finance department when it comes to purchasing decisions. However, at Thomas & Tate, Adam works closely with our chefs and suppliers to ensure we source fantastic produce for our chefs to use.


Quality and integrity are of utmost importance to us when it comes to our supply partners. We conduct thorough audits of all our suppliers to ensure that they uphold our non-negotiable Thomas & Tate standards and values.


We prioritise using local and small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) suppliers instead of large corporations (PLC) and national suppliers. This allows us to maintain a personal touch and source ingredients that are more environmentally friendly.


We are passionate about not only ‘doing the right thing’ but making it easier for our guests to make ‘planet-friendly' choices.

Jack Whelen - Whelan Meats
Whelan Meats
Whelan Meats Logo

Jack Whelan leads his family butchers with 40 years of experience and has established strong relationships within the industry. As a chef's butcher, he offers a personalised service that brings back the heritage our industry values. Jack carefully selects all his meat from Smithfield Market, ensuring true integrity by sourcing from trusted farmers with whom he has built strong relationships and successful partnerships.


Sometimes it is the easy commitments that matter. Below are just a few of our non-negotiables...

All our fresh eggs are British
free-range or organic

All of our berries are UK grown, fresh in season or frozen

We are committed to using reusable and sustainable packaging wherever possible

All our fresh meat and poultry is Red Tractor farm assured

We only use British-harvested oil in cooking

We champion British milled flour 

We only use pole and line-caught tuna

Our coffee beans are delivered packaging free in London

All our English cheese is Red Tractor assured

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We love Mentmore Coffee, just one of our start-up partners. If you are an entrepreneur, food truck legend or just a foodie hero who is looking for a mentor and pop-up residencies to help give your food ideas a great start, contact us.

Thank you for reaching out!

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